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Gaming, Goth and Satanism - Crossing over to the Dark Side: The Murder of Pamela Vitale

Daniel Horowitz, defense attorney and television commentator, came home after work to find his wife, Pamela Vitale, brutally murdered inside the entrance to their temporary trailer on the property of the dream home they were building. She had been blodgeoned some thirty-nine times and the killer had carved a Goth signature into her back. A neighbor, sixteen-year-old Scott Dyleski was arrested just days later. Should this have been a huge surprise? Dyleski had been coming to school dressed in black, wearing the trademark long black trench coat of angry and antisocial teens, reading The Satanic Bible, and claiming other people's judgments would not affect him. I guess he was right about that.

[ click here to read entire article ]

Pat Brown
October 23, 2005

No doubt the murders of two sex offenders by a Washington man will start a fury by privacy rights folks over the making public the addresses of known sex offenders. Michael A. Mullen clains that repeat sex offender, Joseph Duncan, set him off with his killings of the Groene family in Idaho and the subsequent murder of Dylan Groene and abuse of Shasta Groene. Oddly, Mullen did pretty much what any other serial killer would do, plan a ruse, off his victims and then justify his act. Mullen is just a violent psychopath himself and if he didn't pick sex offenders to target, he might well have picked other citizens.

Does this mean we shouldn't publicize where sex offenders live? Heck, no! A rare crime should not set a precedent that overrules the safety of innocent children. After all, sex offenders know the address of many an innocent child and we can't do anything about that now can we? Furthermore, if sex offenders don't want to be singled out and watched, they can NOT commit the crime. If they don't want to be attacked in prison, they can NOT commit the crime. People have many choices before they commit horrible acts against society, and since they know the possible consequences, they have no one to fault but themselves. Innocent children, however, have no choice at all. Let's keep our concern in the right places.

Pat Brown
September 6, 2005

The Natalie Holloway/Aruba Story

Why all the publicity for a story that happens frequently in our own country and is pretty much ignored? Because Natalie "picked" an exotic location to disappear in unlike the poor Julie Popoviches who go missing in places like Columbus, Ohio. Of course, it also helps that Natalie is upper middle class, white, and blonde. No national media outlet has yet covered the murders of young black schoolgirls in Washington, D.C., even when serial killers have been at work. Would Greta Van Susteren really want to hang out in Columbus, Ohio or Southeast DC for weeks on end? I doubt it. Reporters love a great work environment and because America loves the good looking, well-off characters on soap operas, this Aruba story is a match made in heaven for media and viewer alike. The blockbuster ratings on this news story proves it so and all those people who think the coverage of this story is ridiculous should ask themselves why they don't turn off the television and go read a book. You remember what a book is, don't you?

Pat Brown
August 23, 2005

The Amy Bradley/Curacao Prostitution Story

Females who are kidnapped and forced into prostitution in this hemisphere are underage girls, little girls for pedophile customers. White girls aren't being smuggled off of ships, drugged with GHB, and carried off to do legal brothel work in Curacao. Just checked out all the pretty, Caucasian girls on the Internet doing porn and all the white chicks plying the streets of America. One doesn't need to kidnap college girls when there is an abundance of these girls who would go willingly down to Curacao for "job in the sun." Amy Bradley may be alive and she may be a prostitute, but no one has held her captive for the last seven years and forced her to forsake her family and her country. If this were so, she would be holed up in an illegal house in the middle of some jungle and she wouldn't be seen hanging out at the beach and chatting with navy men who can escort her straight out the door and into a safe haven.

Pat Brown
August 23, 2005

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